Office of Student Life

Health Professional Compliance

Student Life Student Health Services (SLSHS) works with many of the university health professional schools to complete and document student vaccination requirements. 

All Health Professional Students are expected to meet the requirements of their program and The Ohio State University vacccination requirements.

Vaccination requirements vary for each program, but commonly include:

  • Drug Screen
  • Hepatitis B (including titers)
  • Influenza
  • Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR)
  • TDAP (Tetanus)
  • Tuberculosis Testing
  • Varicella (Chicken Pox)

A titer verifies antibody levels, ensuring protection against disease. Insufficient levels may require booster vaccination.

Please refer to the immunization documents provided by your Health Professional Program for details.

Submission of Vaccination and Titer Records

  1. Upload any vaccination or lab reports that you have. 
  2. Allow up to 7 days for documentation to be processed. You will receive a confirmation message when complete.
  3. Schedule an appointment to complete any remaining vaccinations and tests required.
    • Online via My BuckMD (Select Health Professional Student for the appointment reason)
    • or at a healthcare provider of your choice
  4. Once all requirements have been met, Student Health Services will report compliance status to the Health Professional Program