Office of Student Life

Excuse Notes

Excuse Notes Not Provided

  • Missing class or work for excuses such as colds, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. cannot be objectively confirmed, especially after the fact
  • Most of these conditions require self-care, not an office visit
  • An Absence Excuse Letter is available to communicate with faculty explaining that Student Health Services does not provide excuse notes 

Verification of Visit Notes Provided

  • Provides verification of a completed medical appointment with a SLSHS provider
  • Diagnosis or a recommendation for missed classes, exams or work not included
  • Significant medical illness or injury documentation may be provided at the time of visit
  • Instructor discretion determines if work or exams missed during an illness can be completed at a later time
  • Per university rules, each department or college may make its own rules relative to occasional absences by students from scheduled activities. Contact your instructor for absence as a result of an illness or medical appointment.