Office of Student Life

Men's Services

Men's Services at Student Life Student Health Services (SLSHS) offers comprehensive health care services including sexually transmitted diseases, concerns with the male genitalia and concerns with sexual function. These visits are by appointment only.

Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) screenings are available at SLSHS even in the absence of symptoms, as many infections do not cause symptoms. These screenings may be requested during an office visit with a provider.

Free testing for HIV, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea is available through the Student Life Student Wellness Center


If you are sexually active and experiencing symptoms (unusual discharge, sores, bumps, blisters, bleeding between periods or after sex, burning and pain with urination or pelvic pain) schedule an appointment for evaluation and treatment.

Testing for Non-Consensual Drugging

Signs you may have been drugged without your consent:

  • Suddenly feel very drunk, disoriented, drowsy and have trouble focusing or controlling your movements
  • Remember very little after accepting a beverage
  • Awaken hours later and find yourself completely or partially undressed, or notice soreness indicating that sexual contact may have occurred

Reporting the incident:

Testing for non-consensual drugging:

  • Urine testing for drugs must be done within 96 hours (4 days) of the suspected drug ingestion 
  • Testing is completed at SLSHS

Additional resources:

  • Ohio State University Police 614-292-2121 
  • Columbus Police 614-645-4545 
  • Student Life Counseling and Consultation Service 614-292-5766 
  • Civil Rights Compliance Office 614-247-5838 
  • Office of Student Conduct 614-292-0748 
  • 24-Hour Rape Helpline 614-267-7020 

Sexual Violence

Sexual violence includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, relationship violence and/or stalking. 

Campus Reporting

Campus Support Resources

Community Resources

  • Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio (SARNCO) 614-688-2518
  • Confidential and anonymous

Services at Student Life Student Health Services

  • Services for victims of sexual assault are provided regardless of the duration of time since the assault occurred
  • If the sexual assault occurred within the last 96 hours, it is encouraged to seek care at a hospital where evidence can be collected. This does not require a victim to press charges
  • SLSHS does not collect evidence
  • Concerns about STIs, pregnancy, available resources and a plan for follow-up care will be discussed